Streamline Your Production and Labor Scheduling


Together, Shiftboard and PlanetTogether unlock cross-team collaboration, ensuring that your production plan transitions seamlessly to an optimized labor schedule– no matter how or when operating plans change.

Shiftboard complements PlanetTogether by offering robust scheduling capabilities, allowing organizations to create and manage employee schedules efficiently. Users can create shifts, assign employees, and make schedule adjustments based on various factors such as availability, skills, and business requirements.

Start today to optimize workforce management, improve communication, and enhance overall operational efficiency for businesses across various industries.


The Power of Real- Synchronized Production and Labor Scheduling

Shiftboard and PlanetTogether’s integration captures the real-time data flow of production materials, machine capacity, and sequence dependencies, and maps it to labor shift coverage requirements. These integration points enable real-time production and labor optimization, resulting in increased delivery accuracy and higher employee engagement.

1. Optimize Coverage at all Times

  • The industry’s only always-on optimization engine unlocks hidden coverage possibilities within already scheduled labor and provides essential insights and tools to ensure the best coverage and cost outcomes.

2. Increase On-Time Delivery Rates by up to 98%

  • Eliminate time-consuming spreadsheet updates when orders change, lines go down, or materials are late.
  • Empower your schedulers to put their deep insights to work and override automated schedules when necessary. And don’t worry; any manual changes automatically respect all real-world material and capacity constraints, and the metrics dashboard shows the impact. So changes are quick, safe, and transparent.

3. Empower Agile and Streamlined Decision-Making with Unwavering Confidence

  • Stop indecision from delaying your team’s action. Know the impact of your decisions before you make them, enabling confident and fast response.
  • Share robust scenarios across teams and enable them to see the impact of each scenario on company KPIs to make the best decision possible.


Learn how the Shiftboard-PlanetTogether partnership offers seamless connectivity between production planning and labor scheduling, so you can reach your operating goals faster and outpace the competition.

Download Solution Sheet

Smarter Scheduling with PlanetTogether APS + Shiftboard

Seamless Schedule Sync


Align production and workforce schedules effortlessly.

Enhanced Labor Visibility


Real-time insights into staffing levels and availability.

Smart Resource Use


Match workforce to production demands for maximum efficiency.

Data-Driven Adjustments


Quickly adapt to changes in staffing or production needs.

Concurrent planning & scheduling drive impressive results

No more wasting time in long production
meetings or adjusting disconnected, error-prone spreadsheet schedules. Just concurrent planning and a synchronized team from planning to detailed scheduling on the factory floor.

Read the brochure

Get Rid of Scheduling Spreadsheets

With PlanetTogether Scheduling, you'll create better production schedules much faster. Plus, those schedules will take your material and capacity constraints into account, so you'll know that commitments made will be commitments met.

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With Shifboard and PlanetTogether Scheduling, you can accelerate the creation of optimized production schedules that factor in your material and capacity constraints. This ensures that you can meet your commitments with confidence and consistency, resulting in improved on-time delivery performance

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Want to see Advanced Planning and Scheduling in action?

Threading the needle of optimized production hinges on advanced capacity planning and scheduling. Our free demo explains everything.

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