Optimize Your Production Scheduling with John Galt’s Atlas Planning and PlanetTogether

John Galt Solutions & PlanetTogether offer a revolutionary approach
In an era that demands unprecedented agility, John Galt Solutions and PlanetTogether are transforming how production scheduling is done.
It’s time to effortlessly create master production schedules that, spanning all of your production facilities, to quickly adjust to changes in production sequence anywhere and everywhere, when you need to.
By bringing together the Atlas Planning Platform with PlanetTogether’s powerful Advanced Planning and Scheduling, you change the game adding detailed, finite scheduling to your end-to-end supply chain planning. Together, Atlas and PlanetTogethe’s APS’ capabilities drive superior results, including:
- Manage Production Constraints: Effectively handle constraints such as limited machine availability, labor shifts, and maintenance schedules.
- Optimize Resource Allocation: Ensure optimal use of resources, minimizing idle time and maximizing throughput.
- Enhance Production Flow: Streamline production processes by aligning tasks and reducing bottlenecks, leading to smoother workflows and increased

Empower Your Supply Chain with AI-powered Planning & Advanced Scheduling
Transform Uncertainty into Opportunity with Optimized Production Scheduling
By aligning detailed scheduling with your broader organizational initiatives and commercial strategies, you can enhance the effectiveness of strategic planning and trade-off analysis. John Galt Solutions and PlanetTogether have redefined next- generation detailed production scheduling.
Atlas X PlanetTogether APS: AI-Powered Supply Chain Planning Software for a Enabling Fast and Flexible Capacity Planning and Production Scheduling
Learn More About Atlas on the John Galt Solutions Website
It’s time to leave behind time-consuming,
error-prone scheduling tools
Embrace AI-powered advanced scheduling and planning with Atlas and PlanetTogether. Integrate real-time data into your planning process to ensure your schedules are always based on the most current, live information. Adapt quickly to changes in demand, supply chain disruptions, or unexpected events, while maintaining agility and responsiveness.
End-to-End Intelligent Supply Chain Planning Software
Demand planning
Supply planning
Collaborative S&OP
Production planning