Orchestrate. Optimize. Deliver: The John Galt & PlanetTogether Advantage


Harmony Through Innovation. The complexities of your supply chain demand a conductor, not a cacophony of disconnected systems. John Galt Solutions and PlanetTogether bring the orchestra together.

Unify. Optimize. Deliver. Our powerful combination streamlines operations, aligning planning and scheduling for seamless execution. John Galt's Atlas Planning Platform provides strategic foresight, while PlanetTogether's Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) ensures your day-to-day runs like clockwork.

Empower Your People. Supercharge Your Results. With real-time data and collaborative tools, your team becomes a well-oiled machine. Boost efficiency, minimize downtime, and maximize productivity.

Embrace the Future of Supply Chain Harmony. John Galt Solutions and PlanetTogether: The perfect blend of strategy and execution. Let's orchestrate your supply chain symphony and turn complexity into a competitive advantage.


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The Single Software Platform for Your Digital Supply Chain

Build your intelligent, agile digital supply chain and begin wherever you want – from demand planning, supply planning, collaborative S&OP, production planning and beyond. No matter how complex your multi-enterprise network is, Atlas takes away the guesswork and puts you in charge to shape new opportunities, reduce risk and drive business value.

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Get Rid of Scheduling Spreadsheets

With PlanetTogether Scheduling, you'll create better production schedules much faster. Plus, those schedules will take your material and capacity constraints into account, so you'll know that commitments made will be commitments met.

White Paper

"We searched diligently for the right tools in the SAP family and found the systems lacking, so we looked elsewhere. PlanetTogether was the most flexible and adaptable option."

Vice President of Operations Support

“The fact that PlanetTogether was .NET-based was important. It meant we could easily integrate with our manufacturing software."

Materials Manager

"On the integration to SAP: “We flipped the switch and it worked. It was a seamless transition. The team at PlanetTogether is exceptional.”

Director of Manufacturing

"The requests for information and meetings around challenges tied to production have gone down. We now have ‘one version of the truth,’ which is a win.”

Master Scheduler

"PlanetTogether's software is by far the best and most encompassing planning software package offered today. Before it took hours to schedule our production because scheduling was based on manual reports. Now it only takes seconds!”

Production Scheduling Manager

"I’m very happy now that everything is up and running. We use it for everything. PlanetTogether has cut production scheduling time in half."

Production Scheduler

It’s time to take that first step toward transforming your operations

No more wasting time in long production meetings or adjusting disconnected, error-prone spreadsheet schedules. Just concurrent planning and a synchronized team from planning to detailed scheduling on the factory floor

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John Galt Solutions & PlanetTogether: Unleash the Power of Unified Planning & Scheduling

Beyond the Forecast. Traditional planning struggles to keep pace with today's dynamic markets. John Galt Solutions & PlanetTogether offer a revolutionary approach.

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