All you need for great Planning & Scheduling

Flexible options to get started the way you want
and to choose the tools you need.

Subscription Pricing


Get started quickly -- on your own or with the help of one of our experts

$ 750 Total


90-Day Cloud License for:
Essential APS Software
Unlimited Plants
Unlimited Users


Easy, economical, low risk way to get started
Flexible approach -- do-it-yourself or with expert guidance

All progress rolls over to a production software subscription (of Essentials, Standard, or Pro)

Services & Support:

Technical Support
Customer Success
Online Learning System
Optional Fee-based consulting


Synchronize Planning & Scheduling and integrate other systems

$ 1,000 /plant/month
(billed Annually)


Create great schedules faster with intelligent optimization

Generate production & purchase orders automatically 

Ensure data integrity with bi-directional integration to your other systems

Key Features:

Unlimited Users
Basic Optimization
Up to 1,000 Jobs
What-If Scenario
Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
Multiple Resources per Operation
Sales Orders, Forecasts, & Transfer Orders
JIT Scheduling
Integration API
Production and On-demand Dev Cloud Environments
Standard Cloud Reports & Dashboards
Fee-based Single-Sign On (SSO) Security

Phone and e-mail Technical Support & Customer Success

Professional Services Recommended


Optimize business results for factories of any size and complexity

Contact us for pricing


Added Benefits:

Depend on enterprise level SSO security

Maximize automation and standardization across the business

Added Key Features:

Unlimited Job Count
Unlimited What-If Scenarios
Burstable Copilot Optimization
Single-Sign On (SSO) Security
Extensibility Kit
Dedicated Production, Dev and QA Cloud Environments

Professional Services Recommended

 Get Started Today!

The fastest path to better scheduling!

Start Simply

Get started quickly and easily by simply importing data from spreadsheet that can be exported from most ERP systems, or entered manually. Later you can utilize the PlanetTogether API for a tightly integrated solution.


Share Visibility

Give you planners and schedules powerful visual tools to manage change and lead your factories to ever better performance.


Optimize Business Results

Develop a robust "digital twin" of your factories to enable automatic schedule optimization that respects your most important constraints and helps you achieve your desired results. 

On a path to an ERP integration?

Whether you prefer to stick to spreadsheet data input or integrate to your ERP system, you can get started and streamline your scheduling today with visual drag-and-drop finite production scheduling. Then when you're ready, connect your systems directly and save even more time.

Double exposure of businessman hand points human resources, CRM and social media as concept

Create great schedules for efficient production 

Effective production scheduling has never been so easy:

  • Automatic adjustment for resource capacities and operation dependencies simplify accurate scheduling -- just drag-and-drop to reschedule
  • Sequence-dependent changeover times are self-calculating, driving more efficient production campaigns
  • Predictive metrics keep your whole team informed on the expected deliveries, efficiencies, and workloads, based on the current plan.
  • Scenarios and impact analysis provide quick answers when evaluating schedule changes
  • Shop floor personnel have real-time access to the schedule, and can report work activities to keep the schedule current

Schedule Visibility Drives Profitability 

PlanetTogether  includes both Web and Desktop apps that  have something for all stakeholders in your manufacturing business: from sales through production planning, scheduling, operations, customer service, and shipping. Everyone has high visibility of orders and production capacity.

PlanetTogether will enable you to take your productivity to a whole new level.  Efficient scheduling will drive your lead times and inventories to new lows, while your customer delivery reliability and throughput skyrocket!

Why PlanetTogether is a gamechanger

Brian Goodwin

Master Scheduler
New Belgium Brewing

“This type of dynamic planning has reduced the brewery’s setup time by 30%


Gary Bishop

Director of Manufacturing 
Sumitomo Electric Lightwave

"Accuracy of shipment promise dates improved by 8 percent, and production output levels increased 16 percent.”


Bruce Hays

Director of Manufacturing
J&J Synthes

“If we have a delay due to a technical problem or an outside process, we can see the effect that delay has on our entire schedule. This is vital information to keep our production on track.”


Jaime Ozuna,

Production Scheduler
Atlantic Coffee

“It's way easier than spreadsheets. Color coordinated functionality makes the schedule simple to scan, and data is easily modified to fit our specific needs. I can look at my screen and know exactly when we’re running decaffeinated coffee. I know when jobs will be late, on time, case quantities. I see everything on one screen.”  

Top Features

Intelligent Gantt scheduling

The PlanetTogether Gantt is more than a pretty face. It knows your capacity, calculates changeover times dynamically, and adjusts for dependencies between operations. It does more for you, so rescheduling is both easier and more error-proof.


Bottleneck visibility

Do you know where your upcoming bottlenecks are? With PlanetTogether, you'll see it clear as day. The sooner you see the bottlenecks coming, the more options you have to solve them!


Change schedules on-the-fly

Need to reschedule for a drop-in order or a machine down? Do it in seconds with the ease of "Smart Drag and Drop".


Easy spreadsheet data entry & standard API

Load your data using simple spreadsheets that can be exported from your ERP or entered manually. For a two-way connected solution, plug into the PlanetTogether API for a fully integrated solution.


Metrics & Impact Analysis

Want to know the impact of expediting a new order or adding a shift? With customizable Metrics you'll see the high level effects and with Impact Analysis you'll know the effects on other specific orders.


What-if Scenarios

Need to evaluate different priorities and trade-offs in your planning? With PlanetTogether you have the flexibility of creating alternate scenarios to make data-driven decisions.