Trends in APS listing page

Things to Consider Before Reshoring

By PlanetTogether -

9/16/20 10:30 AM

In previous years, companies have turned to offshoring their operations to cut costs and maintain their competitive advantage. Recently, disruptions in offshored operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic have highlighted the risks on the global supply...

multi-plant, challenges in supply chain, supply chain threats, Industry Trends, Demand planning, coronavirus, reshoring

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The Advantages of Reshoring In Manufacturing

By PlanetTogether -

9/11/20 10:30 AM

In the last few decades, companies have moved their manufacturing operations offshore to cut costs related to production. This was due to the attractiveness of low labor costs in countries such as China that enabled companies to achieve higher...

manufacturing, production planning, manufacturing process, manufacturing trends, reshoring

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