Objectives of Production Planning

8/31/18 1:49 PM

In order to keep up with the manufacturing industry and competitors, production operations need to implement production planning software. Production planning software has become a key component within manufacturing facilities and has allowed these facilities to cut cost significantly, produce more efficiently, and eliminate waste.Objectives of Production Planning Within the software, there are a set of objectives that take production to another level. Therefore, here are the objectives of a production planning system.

Key Objectives Within a Production Planning System

Before implementing a production planning system, it is essential to understand how the software works and what the overall objectives of the system are. These objectives include the following:

  • Production Time Minimization - Arguably the main objective of a production planning system is production time minimization. Production planning software utilizes tools and generates multiple schedules that can aid in production flow. When production is completed in a timely manner, this means that resources and equipment are being used efficiently and are not being wasted. This further frees up time, resources, and improves customer service as well through much more efficient delivery times.Objectives of Production Planning
  • Customer Satisfaction Improvement - In correlation with production time minimization, customer satisfaction is improved drastically through improved delivery times. When production is on time and more cost efficient, the consumer directly benefits from this. Along with reduced production time and cost, the products produced are reliable and improved, which corresponds with the consumer’s desires.
  • Cost Reduction - Since production planning utilizes supply chain management principles, production and transportation are leaner and efficient. One of the most popular principles within production today is lean manufacturing which leads to waste and cost reduction and can easily be integrated with production planning software. Although production planning does not only benefit lean manufacturing, it is compatible with Agile and other manufacturing methods as well.  

As many manufacturers are coming to the realization that production planning software is a necessity for their facility, they are left unsure of what software to choose. This is where PlanetTogether’s advanced planning and scheduling software may be a viable option for them.

Advanced Planning and Scheduling Software and Production Planning Objectives 

The benefits of advanced production planning and scheduling software seem to be endless - multi-plant operation integration, real-time operational visibility, throughput enhancement, and many others. These benefits are what users of advanced planning and scheduling software are experiencing and has allowed them to optimize their overall supply chain. Other benefits of this software include the following:

  • Improved Delivery Performance
  • Boost in Profits
  • Inventory and Cost Reduction
  • Six-Month ROI

For more information on advanced planning and scheduling software, click here for a free trial!

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Topics: Advanced Planning and Scheduling, production planning, Implementation, APS, APS, production management, production planning and control


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