Maximizing Efficiency: Integrating PlanetTogether with ERP, SCM, and MES for Enhanced OEE Monitoring in Chemical Manufacturing

5/7/24 8:49 AM

In chemical manufacturing industry, the role of a production planner is increasingly complex and critical. A key aspect of this complexity is the integration of advanced planning and scheduling (APS) systems with enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain management (SCM), and manufacturing execution systems (MES). Such integrations are crucial for enhancing overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) monitoring, which is a major indicator of production efficiency and quality.

In this blog, we will explore the integration of PlanetTogether, a leading APS, with various ERP systems like SAP, Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics, as well as with SCM systems from Kinaxis, and MES solutions from Aveva, discussing how these integrations can drive significant improvements in OEE.

The Importance of OEE in Chemical Manufacturing

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a universally recognized metric that quantifies how well a manufacturing unit performs relative to its designed capacity, during the periods when it is scheduled to run. OEE is critical in chemical manufacturing because it encompasses availability, performance, and quality – three key elements that directly affect production output, operational costs, and compliance with safety and quality standards.

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Why Integrate PlanetTogether with ERP, SCM, and MES Systems?

PlanetTogether’s APS is specifically designed to enhance scheduling efficiencies and improve throughput in manufacturing facilities. Integrating this system with other enterprise systems like ERP, SCM, and MES can lead to:

Enhanced Data Visibility and Access: Seamless data flow between APS and ERP or SCM systems ensures that production planners have real-time access to all critical data, from inventory levels and supply chain status to production line availability and maintenance schedules.

Improved Scheduling and Resource Allocation: By integrating with MES systems, APS can receive real-time feedback on production line status, machine breakdowns, or unplanned maintenance, allowing for dynamic rescheduling and minimizing downtime.

Better Decision Making: With comprehensive data analytics provided by the integration, planners can make more informed decisions, predict potential bottlenecks, and adjust processes proactively to maintain high levels of operational efficiency.

Increased Agility and Responsiveness: In a market where demand can shift rapidly, the ability to quickly adjust production schedules and logistics is invaluable. Integration allows for faster response times to market or supply chain changes.


Integrating PlanetTogether with ERP, SCM, and MES Systems

Let’s look at how integrating PlanetTogether with different ERP, SCM, and MES systems can benefit chemical manufacturing facilities in terms of OEE monitoring and overall productivity.

Integration with SAP

SAP, being one of the most widely used ERP systems in the world, provides robust solutions for managing all aspects of manufacturing operations. Integrating PlanetTogether with SAP can help synchronize production planning with business processes, ensuring that inventory, orders, and production schedules are aligned. For instance, a chemical plant using this integration could automatically adjust its production schedules based on real-time inventory levels and order status provided by SAP, thereby improving both machine utilization and product quality.

Integration with Oracle

Oracle’s ERP solutions are known for their powerful data processing capabilities. By integrating with Oracle, PlanetTogether can leverage detailed analytics and machine learning models to forecast production issues before they occur, enhancing OEE. For example, predictive maintenance schedules generated by Oracle’s analytics can be fed into PlanetTogether to optimize production planning around expected machine downtimes, thus enhancing availability and performance.

Integration with Microsoft Dynamics

Microsoft Dynamics offers flexibility and integration with other Microsoft products, which many organizations already use. Integrating it with PlanetTogether allows for a unified platform where data from emails, calendars, and other communications can directly influence production schedules. This integration can be particularly useful in managing human resources and shift scheduling, directly affecting the availability component of OEE.

Integration with Kinaxis SCM

Kinaxis provides advanced SCM solutions that offer real-time supply chain planning and execution capabilities. By integrating with Kinaxis, PlanetTogether can have immediate updates on supply chain disruptions or changes, allowing for rapid adjustments to production schedules. This directly supports the performance aspect of OEE by minimizing idle times and production delays.

Integration with Aveva MES

Aveva’s MES solutions are tailored to improve manufacturing execution through real-time insights and controls. Integrating this with PlanetTogether enables the APS to adjust schedules based on live feedback from the production floor, enhancing both the performance and quality metrics of OEE.


For production planners in the chemical manufacturing sector, the integration of systems like PlanetTogether with ERP, SCM, and MES is not just a technical upgrade—it is a strategic necessity. These integrations empower planners to enhance OEE monitoring, which is vital for optimizing production efficiency, reducing waste, and meeting both customer demands and regulatory requirements efficiently.

As the industry continues to face pressures from increased competition, regulatory changes, and the need for agile responses to market conditions, such integration will be a cornerstone of successful manufacturing operations.

By leveraging these technological synergies, companies can ensure that they are not just keeping up, but staying ahead in the dynamic field of chemical manufacturing.

Topics: PlanetTogether Software, Better Decision-Making, Integrating PlanetTogether, Increased Agility and Responsiveness, Chemical Manufacturing, Enhanced Data Visibility and Access, Improved Scheduling and Resource Allocation, OEE Monitoring


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