Inside the Innovation: An Exclusive Interview with Sarah Williams on PlanetTogether APS V12

7/29/24 12:00 PM

Interview with Sarah Williams about V12

PlanetTogether has just unveiled Version 12 (V12) of their Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) software, promising to revolutionize how businesses optimize their operations. We sat down with Sarah Williams, the visionary Director of Product, behind this groundbreaking release, to delve into the innovative features and enhancements of V12. Join us as we explore how PlanetTogether APS V12 is setting new standards for efficiency, visibility, and collaboration in the manufacturing industry.

Q: Sarah, how do evolving operational challenges impact overall business performance, and what role do advanced scheduling tools play in enhancing strategic decision-making and efficiency?

Sarah Williams: One of the most common frustrations operations managers face is the constant juggling act of balancing tight schedules with unexpected disruptions. They often spend more time reacting to issues than proactively planning. A more intuitive scheduling tool can transform this experience by providing clear, real-time insights and automation that streamline decision-making. Instead of being bogged down by manual adjustments and uncertainty, they can focus on strategic improvements and fostering team collaboration. This shift not only makes their jobs more manageable but also enhances overall productivity and job satisfaction.

Q: Given the challenges we've discussed, what makes the new PlanetTogether APS Version 12 stand out?

Sarah Williams: Version 12, or V12 as we call it, is our most powerful and user-friendly version yet. We've introduced a suite of innovative features designed to empower businesses to optimize their operations and achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency. It's all about providing greater control, flexibility, and visibility to our users.

Q: That sounds exciting. Could you highlight some of the key features in V12?

Sarah Williams: Sure! One of the standout features is the enhanced modeling capabilities. For instance, we've introduced the ability to split operations across resources. This means users can model "cleans" as separate activity segments within their workflows, allowing for greater granularity and control over scheduling.

Additionally, we've built on this with the Clean as an Activity Segment feature, which offers multiple ways to calculate cleans based on time, quantity, cycle duration, product SKU, and attributes. This flexibility ensures accurate modeling of cleaning processes within production schedules.

Q: Improved visibility and collaboration seem to be a significant focus in this release. Can you tell us more about that?

Sarah Williams: Definitely. One of the major enhancements in V12 is our Reporting Web Application. It empowers a wider range of users by providing a web-based view of published data through a PowerBI embedded interface. Previously, only schedulers had access to this critical information, but now managers, plant floor personnel, and other stakeholders can gain valuable insights to optimize decision-making.

We've also introduced a web-based, view-only Gantt chart for the published schedule. This intuitive visual representation provides a clear understanding of the production plan, fostering better collaboration across teams.

Q: Data management is always a crucial aspect. How does V12 streamline this process?

Sarah Williams: V12 includes the Data Integration Wizard Phase 1, which simplifies data management significantly. It provides our cloud customers with a user-friendly web interface to view and manage data within the integration database. Plus, a new import tool allows for seamless import of Excel spreadsheets, making data onboarding a breeze.

Q: I've heard there's an AI-powered tool in V12. Can you tell us more about it?

Sarah Williams: Yes, we're very excited about the AI Factory Builder, which is currently in limited release. This revolutionary tool leverages ChatGPT technology to generate realistic production data specific to a company or industry. It's incredibly useful for demos or proof-of-concepts, allowing users to create customized datasets with just a few clicks.

Q: How do you see V12 impacting businesses that use PlanetTogether APS?

Sarah Williams: V12 represents a significant leap forward in production scheduling. The new features empower businesses to achieve greater operational efficiency and collaboration, ultimately driving success. The ability to model cleans and gain real-time visibility through the web application are game-changers. V12 makes it easier than ever for businesses to optimize their production processes and stay ahead in a competitive market.

Q: What does the future hold for PlanetTogether APS and its users?

Sarah Williams: With V12, we're not just enhancing our software; we're reimagining the future of production scheduling. Our commitment to innovation and excellence continues to drive us forward, ensuring we provide our customers with the tools they need to thrive in an ever-evolving industry. We're looking ahead to continuously evolve and deliver even more powerful solutions for our users.

Q: Thank you, Sarah. For those interested in exploring V12, where can they find more information?

Sarah Williams: They can explore the full potential of PlanetTogether APS V12 at We're excited to take this journey with our customers and see the incredible efficiencies they will achieve with our latest version.

Sarah talking about PlanetTogether V12


Topics: News, Digital Transformation, Constraint Management, Constraint-Based Optimization, Agile Planning, AI-Based Predictive Scheduling, Automatic Updates of Production Schedules, version 12


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