Topics: Advanced Planning and Scheduling, PlanetTogether, News, Implementation, APS, APS, Operations
In this post, I’d like to discuss creating operation notes using values from a user defined field (UDF) imported from the ProductionOne add-in associated with SAP B1.
The UDF in this example is called “U_NB_Stats”. It will be placed in the operation notes, and the operation notes will be displayed on the Gantt’s tool-tip and job/operation label.
This process can be referred to as mapping. Follow these steps:
1) Determine which field to map. In this case we are mapping U_NB_Stats from the WOR1 table in the ProductionOne SQL Database.
2) Determine the appropriate APS View that references the ProductionOne table. In this case, we want to have U_NB_Stats associated with the APS_Operation view. The APS_Operation view is created by importing data from both the APS_OperationHelper and the APS_OperationPrimary views. The APS_OperationHelper view gets data from the ProductionOne table WOR1. In the APS_OperationHelper view, we need to select “U_NB_Stats” from WOR1 to be passed through to the APS_Operation view.
3) In the APS_Operation view, we select “U_NB_Stats” from APS_OperationHelper (assuming that the APS_OperationHelper view has this item already included, if not, add it).
4) Now the field “U_NB_Stats” is available to the Data Mappings in PlanetTogether APS software system. We need to go to the “Data Mappings” section in PlanetTogether. We need to go to the “Resource Operation Mappings” page in the Data Mappings wizard. This page of the wizard shows that we are selecting data from the “APS_Operation” view.
5) After clicking the “Refresh Field List and Sample Data” button, we can see the new field.
6) Now, to map U_NB_Stats to a field in PlanetTogether APS, just drag it from the Field List (shown above), and place it in the desired PlanetTogether APS field. In this case, we are moving it to the “Notes” field.
7) Now it is “Mapped” in PlanetTogether APS. Next we want to display the value in the “Tool-Tip” associated with the operations displayed on the Gantt. We click the “Labels” button on the Gantt view of PlanetTogether APS. Then we will click the “ToolTip Text” button.
8 ) In the Tooltip Text pop-up window, type text into the “Label” panel. In this case we typed in “Note/U_NB_Stats: “. Then select from the “Available Fields” panel or type in the name of the data item that you would like displayed. In this case we are using “ResourceOperation.Notes”. This will display the value of the Notes item of the Resource Operation Mappings directly after the “Note/U_NB_Stats: “ text. The data item needs to have at least one space or before it, and after it if another item or text will be displayed.
9) Close and restart PlanetTogether. The new tooltip text should be displayed.
10) A “CASE” statement can be used to give a interpretation of the data being mapped. In this case, if U_NB_Stats is “N”, we will display “not finished”. The CASE statement is entered in the appropriate Data Mappings page as follows:
11) The tooltip now displays the interpreted value of U_NB_Stats:
12) The information can also be displayed in the job label by clicking the “Labels” button on the Gantt view, then clicking “Label” on the “Activity Display Options” pop-up window, then adding text and data items in the “Label” panel of the “Block Label” pop-up window.
13) The new information is displayed in the job’s label:
Topics: Advanced Planning and Scheduling, PlanetTogether, News, Implementation, APS, APS, Operations
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